Climate book club in English
Zoom, zoom, Online
Do you want to socialize in a small group of people who share the same interest while learning more about the ongoing climate crisis? In this book club we will read versatile books, discuss them and our possibilities to take action. Climate change is often in our minds, but when we read the news it easily drops the mood and makes us want to forget about it. The idea of this book club is to become aware of the situation but to keep a positive mindset and try to encourage us to share our thoughts and feelings about it. The bookclub is organised together with IESAF ry.
Everyone with a little or with deeper knowledge, is warmly welcome. Besides discussing the important topic of climate change, the target of this book club is to make possibilities for immigrants who don’t (yet) speak Finnish but are interested in literature and climate change. However, to make connections with Finns, at least one Finn(beside me, who prefers to join a book club in English) is also welcome to join.
Feel free to take part in all of our meetings or join just once or twice, it’s up to you to decide.
Registration and questions: Send an email to jkaitale(a)
When do we meet and what do we read?:
19.2. Naomi Klein: This changes everything : capitalism vs. the climate.
19.3. Jeff VanderMeer: Annihilation.
19.4. Greta Thunberg: No one is too small to make a difference.
19.5. A book we decide together.
(Ps. If you have trouble finding the books, let me know and I can try to help with it.)